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Showing posts from February, 2011

Program Sederhana Penyewaan CD/DVD for Delphi

Program ini merupakan tugas dari matakuliah IMK (Interaksi Manusia dan Komputer). Di mana mahasiswa diwajibkan membuat program aplikasi yang User Friendly yaitu antarmuka yang enak dilihat, mudah dioperasikan, mudah dipelajari, dan user merasa senang menggunakan/menjalankannya. Untuk membuat antarmuka yang memenuhi kriteria tersebut, maka aplikasi tersebut harus dapat menangani piranti-piranti yang terhubung dengan sistem, misalnya piranti masukan (keyboard, mouse, dll), dan juga piranti keluaran, misalnya layar dan printer. Berikut adalah Interface program yang saya buat : 1. Form Login 2. Form Loading 3. Form Tabel Anggota 4. Form Tabel CD/DVD 5. Form Tabel Transaksi Download aplikasinya disini (Program Penyewaan CD dan DVD v.1.1.rar) Password winrar : fauyan

Deviltech Devil 9700 DTX HD 5870 (W860CU) Notebook

After a seeming eternity, the first notebooks with ATI's fervently awaited Mobility Radeon HD 5870 are finally available. We've snatched the Devil 9700 DTX, a correlating sample from Deviltech, and have taken the Radeon HD 5870 to its limits of gaming capacity. As many other suppliers (mySN, Notebookguru, Cyber-System, Hawkforce etc.), Deviltech allows the used Clevo barebones to be configured in many various ways (in this case, the W860CU). Intel's latest Core i5 and Core i7 range is available as the processor. This ranges from the dual-core Core i5 520M with 2.40 GHz up to the wickedly expensive quad-core Core i7 920XM with 2.00 GHz for the Devil 9700 DTX. The customer can choose among a DirectX 10 capable GeForce GTX 285M and a DirectX 11 capable, brand new Radeon HD 5870 as the graphic card. As usual, the DDR3 RAM ranges from two to eight GBytes, the hard disk capacity from 80 GBytes (SSD) up to 640 GBytes (HDD). A common DVD burner is built into the standard configur...

Asus G73JH-TZ014V Gaming Notebook

The G73 already let the hearts of the notebook gaming community beat faster in its first available alternative. Asus has now upgraded it and equips the machine with an i7 quad-core CPU, 8 GB RAM, a mass memory of 1TB and a FullHD display. Currently, nine different models are listed at notorious price comparisons for the European market. You can take delight in the Intel i7-720QM quad-core CPU and the 1920x1080 pixel FullHD display for starting at 1599 euro. That's about 200 euro more than the starter alternative with an i5 CPU and a lower hard disk capacity and RAM, and without BluRay. Naturally, a legitimate question turns up in the target group: Is the surcharge worth it also in view of performance and image quality? We've tested the latest model and will try to answer these questions. Issues like the case, the connectivity and input devices won't be dealt with. Detailed information about that can be found in our review of the identically constructed Asus G73JH-TY042V. ...

Medion Akoya X7811 Gaming-Notebook

With the Akoya X7811, Medion has a real value for money bargain for 999 euro that can crow with a swift Radeon HD 5870. We've found out for you, if this offer is too good to be true. As Medion announced the Akoya X7811 at the Cebit in the beginning of March, we could hardly believe what we saw and heard: A gaming notebook with an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5870 for 999 euro? There had to be a catch! All previously available notebooks with a Radeon HD 5870, like the Asus G73, or certain Clevo barebones, like the Deviltech Devil 9700 DTX are significantly beyond that in terms of price and add up to at least 1400 euro with the operating system. The customer, however, only gets the minimum configuration with a dual-core out of Intel's Core i3/i5 range for this. The Medion Akoya X7811 can, contrarily, serve with the quad-core Core i7-720QM already in the basic configuration. Therefore, we were in the same boat as the community, which has spent the last weeks in anxious expectation. Afte...

Program java Menghitung Bangun Kerucut & Tabung

Didalam program ini user menginputkan tinggi dan jari - jari untuk bangun A dan bangun B. kemudian program mengeksekusinya sehingga akan di ketahui luas permukaan dan volume bangun A maupun bangun B, sesuai tinggi dan jari - jari yang telah di inputkan. Berikut contoh programnya : import*; class fauyan {     double r,s,t;     double phi = 3.14;     double volumekerucut, volumetabung;     double luaskerucut, luastabung; /* Email  : Web   :    */     void hitung() {         luaskerucut = (phi * r) * (s + r);         luastabung = (phi* r * 2) * (t + r);         System.out.println(" ");         System.out.p...

Program Kalkulator Sederhana dengan Java

Bagi yang sedang mempelajari bahasa pemrograman, contoh kalkulator sederhana merupakan hal yang sudah biasa. Mengapa contoh tersebut sering ditugaskan oleh dosen ? ya, karena di sana ada penerapan input, pengulangan, output, dan juga penerapan pemrograman modular. Contoh yang saya buat di bawah ini adalah kalkulator sederhana dengan menggunakan bahasa Java. Pada contoh tersebut terdapat beberapa method yang diperlukan untuk sebuah kalkulator, seperti penjumlahan, pengurangan, perkalian dan pembagian. Beerikut contoh programnya : import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; /*   Email   :   Web   :      */ class fauyan extends JFrame implements ActionListener {     JLabel LData1 = new JLabel("Data 1 : ");     JTextField data1 = new JTextField(15);   ...

MSI GT663R Gaming Review

Premium gamer. If you are looking for a gaming notebook with as much power under the hood as possible, you'll be just right with MSI's GT663R. Find out in this review, if a Core i7-740QM and a GeForce GTX 460M is too much for the 15 inch size. The manufacturer, MSI, has always known how to squeeze high-performance components into the limited room of a 15 inch case. The GT663R is perfect evidence for this. In addition to a fast Intel quad core processor (Core i7-740QM), the gaming notebook is equipped with a high-end graphics card from Nvidia. The GeForce GTX 460M is DirectX 11 suitable. But not only gamers, but also movie fans are taken care of. The installed FullHD display can develop its full potential due to a BluRay drive. Specifications MSI GT663R : Processor : Intel Core i7 740QM 1.73 GHz Mainboard : Intel PM55 Memory : 8192 MB, 2x 4096 MB DDR3 (1333 MHz @ 1066 MHz), three slots, 12 GB maximum Graphics adapter : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460M - 1536 MB, Core: 709 MHz, Memo...

Review mySN XMG U700 ULTRA GTX 470M SLI Notebook

Mega Powerhouse. Performance enthusiasts with money to spend will find an extremely powerful desktop replacement in the mySN XMG U700 ULTRA. Equipped with a desktop-CPU and two GeForce GTX 470M GPUs, this 17-inch powerhouse aims to capture the title of "fastest notebook out there". Specifications mySN XMG U700 ULTRA (GTX 470M SLI) : Processor : Intel Core i7 (Desktop) 950 3.06 GHz Mainboard : Intel X58 + ICH10R Memory : 6144 MB, 3x 2048 MB DDR3 (1333 MHz @ 1066 MHz) Graphics adapter : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470M SLI - 2x 1536 MB, Core: 535 MHz, Memory: 750 MHz, Shader Clock Rate: 1070 MHz, ForceWare 259.70 Display : 17.3 inch 16:9, 1920x1080 pixel, LG LP173WF1-TLC1, 43.90 cm, LED Backlight, glossy: yes Harddisk : Crucial RealSSD C300 (CTFDDAC128MAG-1G1), 128GB + 2x Seagate Momentus 7200.5 (ST9750420AS)—RAID 0, 750 GB each at 7200 RPM Soundcard : Realtek ALC888/1200 @ Intel 82801JB ICH 10 - High Definition Audio Controller Connections : 3 USB 2.0, 2 USB 3.0, 1 Firewire,...

Pemrograman Java GUI (Graphical User Interface)

GUI atau Graphical Unit Interface, merupakan perangkat pertama untuk mengendalikan fungsi-fungsi suatu software, dan membuat pengguna mudah untuk memahami bagaimana menggunakan software tersebut. Kita dapat menyebut GUI sebagai bagian dari suatu software yang pertama kali ditangkap mata. Suatu software akan kelihatan bagus, jika GUI tersebut tampak menarik Fungsi Java GUI (Graphical User Interface) : • Menciptakan Layar / Windows • Menciptakan Komponen grafis • Mengorganisasikan Komponen pada ruang kerja frame window • Memberikan properti, event, dan respon pada window ataupun komponen Komponen Utama GUI java adalah JFC (Java Fundamental Class): Koordinat GUI AWT (Abstract Windows Toolkit) merupakan paket dasar dalam pembentukan GUI dengan menggunakan platform yang terdapat dalam masing-masing OS (native resource) Paket dasar : java.awt.component Swing Product SUN dalam membangun GUI yang Independent sehingga bersifat cross platform dalam tampilan window yang dihasilkan. Paket dasar: j...

MSI GX660R Gaming Notebook

Gaming for the Masses. Not long ago, we reviewed the pre-production model of the MSI GX660R. Now that the GX660R is on the market, MSI sent us another model, this time it's the same one that's lining the shelves of stores and available for you to buy. Some improvements have fortunately been made to this model in areas we had criticized in our previous review. Specifications MSI GX660R : Processor : Intel Core i7 740QM 1.73 GHz Mainboard : Intel PM55 Memory : 6144 MB, ASint, DDR3-10600, 1333 MHz, max 12 GB, 3 Slots Graphics : adapter ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5870 - 1024 MB, Core: 400 MHz, 8.751.0.0 Display 15.6 inch 16:9, 1920x1080 pixel, LED, glossy: yes Harddisk : WDC WD5000BEVT, 500GB 5400rpm 500GB 5400 RPM, 2 Hard Discs, Raid 0 Soundcard Realtek ALC888 Connections : 1 Express Card 54mm, 2 USB 2.0, 2 USB 3.0, 1 VGA, 1 HDMI, 1 Kensington Lock, 1 eSata, Audio Connections: Microphone Input, Headphone Jack, 7.1 Analogue, Card Reader: 4-in-1 (SD/MMC/MS/MS-PRO), RJ 45 Networ...

Pemrograman Java Eksepsi/Exception

Exception adalah event yang terjadi ketika program menemui kesalahan pada saat instruksi program dijalankan. Banyak hal yang dapat menimbulkan event ini, misalnya crash, harddisk rusak dengan tiba-tiba, sehingga program-program tidak bisa mengakses file-file tertentu. Programmer pun dapat menimbulkan event ini, misalnya dengan melakukan pembagian dengan bilangan nol, atau pengisian elemen array melebihi jumlah elemen array yang dialokasikan dan sebagainya. Exception terdiri dari dua macam kelompok, yaitu : Exception yang merupakan subclass RunTimeException Exception yang bukan subclass RunTimeException RunTimeException biasanya disebabkan oleh kesalahan program atau pada desain program. Misalnya NullPointerException yang disebabkan oleh proses inisialisasi program yang tidak sempurna dan ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException yang disebabkan akses array yang melebihi kapasitas array yang ada. Dalam bahasa Java, ketika terjadi kesalahan, otomatis akan dilemparkan sebuah objek yang diseb...

Pewarisan/Inheritance Pada Java

Dalam pemrograman berorientasi objek, kita akan dikenalkan pada suatu kata pewarisan, di mana sifat-sifat dari parent class/base class bisa diwariskan pada derived class. Metode dari kelas induk yang diturunkan ke kelas turunan dapat ditumpuki /diganti/di-overloading dengan mendefinisikan lagi metode tersebut dikelas turunannya. metode yang digunakan adalah yang sesuai dengan kelas asal obyek tersebut. Protected diturunkan jadi Private Public diturunkan jadi Public Private diturunkan tidak terakses berikut contohnya programnya : class persegi{ // kelas induk public double panjang,lebar; protected double luas; public void setluas (){ luas = panjang*lebar; } public double getluas (){ return luas; } } class persegipanjang extends persegi{ // kelas anak public double diagonal; public void setluas(){ luas = diagonal*diagonal; } } class coba { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { BufferedReader dataIn = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamRea...