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Sony VAIO EA Review

The Sony VAIO AE is the latest 14-inch general purpose laptop from Sony. The E-series notebooks are the most affordable full-featured notebooks in the VAIO product line and you can probably argue that the "E" stands for "Economy class." The laptop body is made of a combination of matte black plastics and polished plastics in your choice of Lava Black, Hibiscus Pink, Coconut White, Iridescent Blue, or Passion Purple colors. Our review sample is "Coconut White" but pearl white might be a more accurate description of the color in real life.

All of the plastics feel firm with no obvious flex or creaking sounds when you apply pressure to the chassis. Despite being designed as a budget laptop, the VAIO EA feels reasonably well built. The screen hinges offer enough resistance to hold the display in place yet aren't so tensioned that opening the laptop is difficult.

Our review unit of the Sony VAIO EA (VPCEA3CFX) has the following specifications:
  • Intel Core i3 370M (2.4GHz, 3MB L3 cache)
  • Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
  • 14-inch LED-backlit display (1366x768)
  • Intel GMA HD integrated graphics
  • 4GB DDR3 (1066MHz) system memory
  • 500GB hard drive (5400rpm)
  • CD/DVD player/burner
  • Bluetooth (2.1 + EDR)
  • Ethernet: 10Base-T/100Base-TX/1000Base-T
  • Wi-Fi: Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6200 (802.11/b/g/n)
  • Intel Wi-Di (wireless display transmitter)
  • Standard Capacity Lithium-ion Battery (5000mAh)
  • Dimensions: 13.60(W) x 1.07(H) x 9.39(D) inches
  • Weight: 5.2 pounds
  • Color: Coconut White
  • MSRP: $849 (optional $19.99 keyboard skin brings total to $868.99)


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