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Lenovo ThinkPad T510 Review

The ThinkPad T510 is the 15.6" notebook from Lenovo that competes head-to-head with the HP EliteBook 8540p and the Dell Latitude E6510. The T510 offers optional NVIDIA NVS 3100M dedicated graphics, a full line-up of display options, and Intel Core i5 and i7 processors. In this review, we see how the ThinkPad T510 performs in our test lab and if you should add it to your Christmas shopping list.

  • 15.6-inch HD+ LED-backlit Display (1600x900)
  • NVIDIA NVS 3100M dedicated graphics with 512MB DDR3
  • Windows 7 Professional (64bit)
  • Intel Core i5-560M (2.66GHz, 3MB cache)
  • 4GB DDR3 RAM (2GB + 2GB)
  • 320GB Seagate 7200.4 HDD (7200rpm)
  • Intel 6200 802.11AGN, Bluetooth
  • 94Wh 9-cell, 90W 20V AC adapter
  • ThinkPad Mini Dock Plus Series 3
  • Dimensions: 14.68" x 9.65" x 1.41"
  • Weight: 6.22 pounds
  • Retail Price: $2,038.99 ($1,508.99 on sale) with docking station
The ThinkPad T510 has a "get down to business" appearance that has served the ThinkPad-series of notebooks very well. The outside finish is matte black, with a slight rubbery texture to increase grip when carrying it around. The design includes many flat surfaces with sharp and precise corners, but still manages to stay comfortable to use for hours on end. The screen hinges are stainless steel, and unlike the models two generations ago, are equal in size on both sides. Inside, the all-black appearance continues with a textured plastic palmrest, keyboard surround, and screen bezel. There are few, if any, glossy surfaces on the ThinkPad T510 which is great if you worry about glare from overhead lighting or sun while outdoors.


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