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Asus Lamborghini VX7

Asus has refreshed its Asus-Automobili Lamborghini VX7 laptop with new Intel Sandy Bridge processor. The co-branding joint venture laptop Lamborghini VX7 now sports a quad-core Intel processor, has Nvidia GeForce GTX 460M graphics and also gets SuperSpeed USB 3.0 ports. This time, this massive laptop will be made available in Orange, Black and Carbon Fiber color options. Just in case you have a heart to hear the price then it is $3,000 (Rs. 1,32,000 approx.) for this ultra-lux Italian supercar like laptop.

Beastly Italian sports car like Asus Lamborghini VX7 packs quad-core Intel Core i7-2630QM mobile processor coupled with Intel HM65 Express chipset. New VX7 has 15.6-inch LED Backlit display that supports full HD (1920x1080) in 16:9 aspect ratio. On this display, the full HD multimedia and gaming is powered by the Nvidia GeForce GTX 460M graphics with 3GB video memory. One can beef up to 16GB DDR3 1333Mhz RAM in four slots.

For storage, Asus provides a hybrid option that can hold up to 1.25TB of data storage with combination of SSDs and HDDs. Asus has also added a Blu-ray reader/writer so that you can enjoy your Blu-ray collection on it. This monstrous laptop accommodates USB 3.0 that provides ten times faster transfer speed compared to the USB 2.0 port.

At the side, Lamborghini VX7 has Bluetooth 2.1 sensor, Wi-Fi (802.11 b/g/n), 8-in-1 card reader, Gigabit LAN, one USB 3.0 port, HDMI port, and a VGA Port. To make this huge laptop long for hours, ASUS has incorporated 8-cell 75WHr battery. The laptop weighs around 3.82kg.

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